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Sport Scope Live Will Change High School Sports Livestreaming - Sport Scope Video

Sport Scope Live Will Change High School Sports Livestreaming

Sport Scope Live, launching this year for the 2020 football season, will redefine how livestreaming is done for high school sports. Sport Scope is partnering with schools to make the process even easier than ever.

We're using our existing, tried-and-true EDGE Replay and Smart Endzone Camera technology along with incredible new advancements in the Sport Scope app software to make livestreaming simpler than ever.

Easily update the score for everyone watching at home. And when a fan purchases a virtual ticket to watch your live stream, they also can choose to donate to your team. The profit from each ticket is split with your school and the donations are deposited directly into your account. Watch your school’s account grow as you increase engagement with your fanbase.

All you need is an internet connection at the stadium and your existing equipment. You can also stream to Facebook or YouTube for free! Sport Scope is utilizing our superior sideline replay systems and/or wireless endzone cameras to change how livestreaming is done for your benefit.

Call (888) 335-7875 to learn more and find out how to get a Smart Endzone Camera and/or EDGE Sideline Replay system enabled with Sport Scope Live for your sports program today!

Posted on June 5, 2020